Mo' Jobs, Mo' Problems: Job Hopping Truths

Too often I work with clients who are very nervous about how their resume looks to a hiring manager when they have too many jobs listed. They don't want to portray themselves as noncommittal or irresponsible. I am here to tell you that isn't always the case in how the resume is perceived. We are in a job market now that is much more accepting, depending on what the reasons are for leaving a company. There are definite ways to spin the conversation to ensure you are putting your best self forward, but being authentic and truthful at the same time.

Identify the Pattern

On average, how long are you at your jobs for? Do you notice that after a year you are in a new job again? That might suggest that regardless of where you are, and how many free Lara Bars and La Croix drinks are available, you get restless and bored. Upon looking for a new role, you might think about focusing on an organization that has a solid development strategy. Maybe it is the industry or job altogether that needs a changeup. Something is awry, and noticing the patterns are important.


Consider Your Reasons for Leaving

This can also tie into identifying a pattern, in that your reasons for leaving a job could all be very similar. Maybe you find yourself leaving because you feel bored and that you aren't being challenged enough. Perhaps you find yourself not enjoying the environment of a bigger, more hierarchical organization. Maybe you were terminated from a few of your jobs.  Are you chasing the money? Many people leave their jobs to keep getting pay increases. Regardless of the reason, identifying the patterns or reasons behind your job hopping is important.

Know What You Want

Now take the above insights and reasoning and spend some time thinking about what it is you want vs. don't want. It might be as simple as you want a salary bump and you want it now. Totally get that, but the deeper reasoning here could be more about not feeling connected to the companies or missions so you lack loyalty. Whatever the reasons are, the more you can speak to them, the easier it will be to articulate them when it comes time to interview for your next role.

Remember That Authenticity is Key

When you find yourself in an interview situation, the fact that your resume looks a little bit like a tapas menu could come up. (i.e a little bit of everything.) That's ok, don't write yourself off just yet. Spoiler alert ---> the interviewer wants to hear from you what will motivate you to stay with them. They don't want to interview for this role again in a year. If you have been terminated speak to what your learning experience was in that moment. If you are seeking more challenges and growth, then say that - but be specific. What are your goals? Do they align with the company you are interviewing for? By doing the work to understand what is keeping you on the move, you will have better and more genuine answers when you go to explain yourself, and appear more credible and confident.

Bottom line, job hopping doesn't have to be the death sentence it once was. You can use your situation as intel to further fuel a job search that is more meaningful and best for you.